Fine Art Photography Matt Hill Fine Art Photography Matt Hill

NIGHT PAPER with David Spiel

Last night we had the pleasure of working with the multi-talented David Spiel. David lent one of his arts to us last night and became a volunteer model for NIGHT PAPER. Well, I should say he became NIGHT PAPER. In amazing ways.

We found some amazing scenes at Flushing Meadows Corona Park and made another milestone in the project. I haven't counted in a while, but this is the 24th shoot in the project and how far we have come. David is also one of the longest supporters of the project, having heard me speak about it in concept over eight years ago at a post-Mermaid Parade drinking session on the boardwalk.

I had expressed by excitement about the idea, and also my fears and concerns. It was an engaging and encouraging conversation which I never forgot. To this day, David has been a staunch supporter and demonstrates his poxy by becoming part of the project is astoundingly beautiful ways. Enjoy...

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